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  • The UK Geoenergy Observatories (UKGEOS) Glasgow bedrock model outputs, created by the British Geological Survey, provide a semi-regional overview of the depth and extent of bedrock lithostratigraphic units, coals and faults. The model allows users to visualise the likely subsurface sequence to be found beneath this part of Glasgow, applicable at a scale of around 1: 25,000 to 1: 10,000. The data is supplied as grids, triangulated surfaces and shapefiles over a 5 by 4.15 km area, with the depth range to around 350 m below Ordnance Datum. This model describes an interpretation of the bedrock geology after the UKGEOS Glasgow boreholes had been drilled, the results of the nine UKGEOS boreholes that penetrated bedrock have been incorporated. Further details and model limitations can be found in the accompanying metadata report